Coming soon.
For Windows PCs.
The Moose is free.
By Steven B. Halls, MD, FRCPC.
Safe and impressive. It doesn't alter your PC. Everything will run smoothly.
How can it be so wonderful? The Moose ONLY uses positive happy words with power-of-suggestion abilities. We all want to manifest a good world, and we can. Try it and you'll realize the Moose helps.
Faithfully saying nice things to you, or jokes, news, and reminders. Your choice.
The Moose can say anything, and also say whatever you type in. You'll enjoy the laughter of those who join in.
The Moose doesn't listen. Thank goodness.
Click for testimonials.
18K like this.
Facebook page: Fascinating to Moose. group: Waiting for Moose.
June 21, 2019. Moose is fully updated and working absolutely fine. I think the cigarette suggestions are starting to take effect as I’m seriously planning a quit day very soon. Jenny S. (alpha tester).
May 31, 2019. I suffer from bad anxiety, and it manifests itself in various behaviors that I am now learning to recognize as anxiety.
I look forward to the constant positive reinforcement from Moose to stay calm, put things in perspective, take 5 minutes to stop and refocus.
I keep Moose running wherever I am. I find that I can can spiral fairly quickly if something triggers me. Moose is that voice is outside myself, which works effectively to “jolt” me out of my negative head space. I stop, process and regroup.
When anxiety creeps up on me, my internal dialogue is very counter productive. Hearing Moose’s voice is a subconscious mental note to take a step back from what I’m over thinking at the moment, as I now associate Moose with calming. Highly Recommended. Tammy R. (alpha tester)
May 17, 2019. I love how this is going! The Moose is already a friend, counsellor, motivator, teacher, news reader, comic, weatherman, prompter, secretary and companion all rolled into one! The new updates would make the capabilities of Moose virtually unlimited! Biji G.
May 15, 2019. I love the news and time plugin it inform me every time oh yes the weather plugin also My dream is here in moose . Raj S.
FAQ notes - click to expand
Coming soon.
For Windows PCs.
Instructions: Save MooseSetup.exe to your Desktop or Downloads folder. Antivirus check it (a good habit), then run/open it.
As of Jan 10,2024, a new build has a good installer, and new cloud URLs. Moose download is back! Happy times are ahead for all of us.
During the Beta test, you may also need to Unblock MooseSetup.exe before you can Run it.